Kids Program
Bully-Proof Your Child!

The Kids Program

The Kids Program is the official International Taekwon-Do Federation’s program for children. It covers a wide range of topics that every child should learn, from self-defence to life skills. The program was created by our Chief instructor, Grand Master Donato Nardizzi, and is taught all over the world.

Kids Study Book
The Kids Study Book is a Taekwon-Do workbook that the students complete at home in order to obtain ‘Ticks’ on their sheet, which allows them to achieve the next grade up. The Taekwon-Do Kids Study Book has various topics that teach children Taekwon-Do, Ethics, Danger Awareness, Bullying Awareness and much more. We believe that Taekwon-Do is not just a physical martial art to defend yourself, but The Taekwon-Do Kids Study Book is designed to guide children towards becoming independent adults.

Tick Sheet & Gradings
When a new Taekwon-Do Kid starts the program they will be given a Tick Sheet. These will consist of tasks that a child must complete before they are eligible for their next grading. There are 6 tick sheets, from Level 1 to Level 6, and after completing each sheet they are do their grading for the next belt tag. The belt tags are Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Black, and ultimately after completing all the tick sheets the student can grade to Yellow Belt, and complete the Taekwon-Do Kids Program. Tick Sheet tasks start of simple with completing games or homework, to harder tasks such as using Korean terminology and teaching the class.

Danger Awareness Badges
In the Kids Program, each term we choose a new topic every term. These topics are Stranger Danger, Fire Safety, and Bullying Awareness. Students are given a separate tick sheet to complete in order to obtain these badges. Students are required to be able to identify danger, assess the situation, choose the safest method to get out of/avoid the dangerous situation. For example. how to escape in the event of a fire, or how to release yourself from a stranger who has latched onto you. Students will undergo role-play exercises to practice real-life scenarios improve their decision making ability.

Attendance Star Badge
Students who attend a certain amount of Taekwon-Do Kids lessons will be awarded an attendance star badge that they can iron onto their belt. This helps motivate the students to come consistently and rewards those who are regularly training. We want to give children a sense of satisfaction for doing things that are beneficial for themselves.

Completing the Program
Children who complete the ITF Kids Program will be awarded a certification and be promoted up to the Junior Taekwon-Do Juniors class. They will be awarded a yellow belt, putting them two grades ahead of a normal junior who has not completed the program. As this program is the official kids program of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), the grades we award are internationally accepted. That means the certificate provided will be accepted in any other official ITF Taekwon-Do school.
How the Kids Program will benefit your child!

Self Defence
Bully-Proof your child through Taekwon-do by teaching them how to defend themselves against an attacker. As 1 in 2 children are bullied in the UK, help strengthen your child both physically and mentally to tackle bullying.
We teach our children to always walk away from conflict and not to use their skills to harm others but only when necessary. We instruct them on the best way to deal with verbal bullying by telling an adult, and if one is not present to ignore the offender.
However, we also teach stranger danger and how to protect themselves from being abducted by avoiding potential threats. We do scenario role-plays to instruct the children what to do when confronted with a stranger – and for the untrained, the results would shock you.

Cognitive Development
Help your children improve their cognitive skills such as listening, concentrating, following instructions, memory retention and learning Taekwon-Do knowledge. They will need to learn the Korean commands and numbers which
Children aged between 3-7 are in their key developing years and need to be provided with the correct stimulus to help them grow – helping them towards becoming independent adults. Our program helps children develop independent thinking and the ability

Life Skills
Our program teaches your children life-skills through fun games and enjoyable tasks. Children will learn invaluable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication skills through our team building exercises.
We demonstrate how to be organised through time management, holding responsibility for tasks, maintaining hygiene which gives the children greater autonomy and independence.

We believe that it is never too soon to start teaching your child to be self-sufficient, and the earlier they are taught the better. By being in charge of bringing their uniform, work sheets, and work book to every lesson we slowly build their awareness and responsibility.
As the child grows, they will be taught how they should prepare for daily life, such as cleaning and keeping tidy, managing time and work, preparing food and retaining good hygiene. By making children aware of how take care of themselves at a young age, it leads them towards them taking more initiative and becoming more successful in life.

Teamwork & Leadership
The games and activities we do during the lesson are designed to help the children build teamwork and leadership. Children must work together in pairs or groups to complete tasks, which builds their communication skills and social skills. Students will take it in turns to be leaders, and also team players. We highlight the roles of being a leader, ensuring the students do not dictate, but rather guide the other students in activities.
Part of our curriculum is that students must teach newer students. Students retain 80% more information by teaching than general memorisation. This improves the students progress whilst teaching them how to instruct and lead a class.